Save public access in the North Delta

UPDATE [ July 7, 2023 ]

Lookout Slough

The Lookout Slough Project was taken to court, and told to revise their EIR with respect to recreation. DWR has made the revised EIR Recreation document and new study available for review. It is still bad! Comments are due by 7/17/2023! 

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Little Egbert Tract

Little Egbert Tract is another DWR restoration project that is still in the early stages. There is a real opportunity to make new recreation access with this project! There are two things you can do to help make NEW public access in the North Delta. with subject “RE: Little Egbert Multi-Benefit Project NOP” 

July 11, 2023 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Rio Vista Veterans Memorial Hall

610 St. Francis Way

Rio Vista, CA 94571

What's at stake

The California Dept of Water Resources (DWR) wants to permanently remove ALL land-based access to:

DWR thinks that citizens will simply stand by while they remove long-standing public access.